Every month, a new "Hello" ✿


very month and a new "Hello" from the deer. It's been a year since we took the first chalk and wrote on the ground of our yard. I don't remember how this really started. Back to last August I had bought a box full of colourful chalks cause I wanted to write something on the ground. Then this idea just popped up on my mind and became a beautiful (at least for us) picture to welcome every single month.

Colourful chalks, a cat, happy feet.

A year later, looking back to those beautiful pics. Not only to the pics but also to the memories that come along with them. Each photo of them hides a different story, a different mood...a different scent. Some of them are happy while others are more nostalgic. Some of them were captured in a funny, playful mood while in others the face behind the camera was a crybaby.
The thing I remember is that, despite any condition, I was dressing up (hehe just the bottoms most of the times) and trying my best to write those two words. Why trying my best? Because our cute cats were entagling in my hands and feet. Sometimes they were not at all in the mood of the photoshooting, making us run after them and finally place them on the right spot. Other times they were lying next to the chalk written words like they knew what to do. Agatha (the deer camera) in my hands and click!    
Ground "hello", sand "hello" and snow "hello".
Favorite? The snow one. For several reasons..
It's always lovely to look back and appreciate those beautiful memories. But don't look back for too long. 
Say yes to new adventures!

άθε μήνα και ένα νέο "Hello" από το ελαφάκι. Έχει περάσει ένας χρόνος από τη μέρα που γράψαμε για πρώτη φορά το "Hello September" με κιμωλία στην αυλή μας.  Δε θυμάμαι ακριβώς πως ξεκίνησε όλο αυτό. Είχα αγοράσει ένα κουτάκι με χρωματιστές κιμωλίες για να γράψω κάτι και η ιδέα αυτή ξεπετάχτηκε στο μυαλό μου και έγινε μία όμορφη (για εμάς τουλάχιστον) φωτογραφία για να καλωσορίζουμε το νέο μήνα.

Πολύχρωμες κιμωλίες, μία γάτα, χαρούμενα ποδαράκια.

Ένα χρόνο μετά, κοιτάζω αυτές τις φωτογραφίες. Μέσα από αυτές, όμως, ξεπηδούν όλες αυτές οι αναμνήσεις που συνοδεύουν κάθε μία από αυτές. Κάθε φωτογραφία κρύβει μία διαφορετική ιστορία, μία διαφορετική διάθεση...μία διαφορετική μυρωδιά. Κάποιες από αυτές είναι χαρούμενες, ενώ κάποιες άλλες πιο νοσταλγικές. Κάποιες τραβήχτηκαν μέσα σε χαρούμενη και παιχνιδιάρικη διάθεση ενώ σε άλλες το πρόσωπο πίσω από την κάμερα είναι λίγο κλαψιάρικο. 
Αυτό που θυμάμαι όμως είναι ότι κάθε φορά ανεξάρτητα από το τι συνέβαινε, ντυνόμουν (τις περισσότερες φορές πρόσεχα ιδιαίτερα μόνο το κάτω μέρος) και έβγαινα έξω να γράψω αυτές τις δύο λέξεις. Πολλές φορές αυτό δεν ήταν και τόσο εύκολο γιατί οι γάτες μας μπλέκονταν ανάμεσα στα χέρια και πόδια μου ενώ άλλες φορές δεν είχαν καμία διάθεση να συνεργαστούν. Έτσι, τις κυνηγούσαμε και τις τοποθετούσαμε στο κατάλληλο σημείο. Άλλες φορές πάλι περπατούσαν καμαρωτά-καμαρωτά και πήγαιναν και ξάπλωναν στο κατάλληλο σημείο λες και ήξεραν. Η Άγκαθα (η ελαφοκάμερα) στα χέρια και κλικ!
Ηello στο έδαφος, στην άμμο και στο χιόνι!
Αγαπημένη; Αυτή στο χιόνι! Για διάφορους λόγους..
  Είναι πάντα πολύ όμορφο να κοιτάς πίσω σε όλες αυτές τις αναμνήσεις. Μην κοιτάς όμως για πολλή ώρα πίσω. 
Πες ναι σε νέες περιπέτειες!

Show the deer some love

Birthday Girl | Sweet 23


Sweet 23. This month I became 23. Standing behind of those candles wiser (oh well!) and full of new experiences. A wish! Believe in it and it will come true! Phewwww!
That Tuesday. Two surprises. A petit strawberry cheescake at the morning and a banana ice-cream cake that afternoon later were waiting for me. Lovely, unexpected and so moving gestures from my dearest people!  
Sweet delights, smiles, fooling and photoshooting around with people I love. 
Dreaming, laughing, creating, discovering places!
Let every day of this 23 years old girl be like that!

In the mood: The Paper Kites - Bloom   

DIY | Tea Bag Shape Bookmarks


Lately I've been reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the very first time. I have a lot of friends, including my sisters and my lovely Brazilian friend Ruh, who are mad about Harry Potter and everything around him. As a little kid I never felt like reading any of Harry's books or watching the movies. So, I think that the time has arrived now at my sweet 23. The girl writing here, blew 23 candles on 4th of August (birthday themed post is coming!). Starting reading the book I realised that I didn't have a bookmark- a cool one! So, I decided to make one. It was such a fun process and so easy to make. I decided to put that "You fell asleep here" quote cause I found it really smart. I bumped into it on tumblr some years ago and instantly fell in love with it. Follow the steps shown in the pics, add your own style and let your imagination and creativity lead you to your own unique bookmark.  

Hello August ✿


August. For me, by the time August arrives, i feel like summer comes to its end. From the one hand, this is kinda sad cause I love all those whimsical sea sceneries, the floral dresses and bikinis, bonfires with  friends at a beach, beers and lovely moments. From the other hand, we have a promising autumn which is coming with all its cute and cozy home and cafe moments. The end of the summer..yeah maybe now you' re gonna live the best moment of it. It might have a little surprise for you! Just wait and make every day of August beautiful!

Have a lovely August everybody!

Show the deer some love