Bake | Halloween Chocolate Pumpkin Cake


On 31st of October we'll find Halloween hidden in spiders and pumpkins! Little kids are dressing up into something spooky and knock at neighborhood doors asking for sweet treats. Don't forget to be as spookiest you can and shout "Trick or treat?" 

Halloween is not celebrated only by children. It gives us the opportunity to dress up into our spookiest self. Some days you just wanna be transformed into a witch and wander around Hogwarts holding your wand.  After that,  you go magically to the dining room and can't decide what you'll eat first. Somewhere there, between pumpkin pies you wanna find a big pumpkin cake with little meringue ghosts on top. The best part is that  you can enliven them using your wand. The ghosts will wander above the dining room dancing and scaring you and your friends. Follow the recipe step by step, light up some candles and let the pumpkin smell transform your kitchen into the hideout of a witch- cook! 

Hello October ❣

October is the month of Halloween! We have already prepared the special "Halloween treats". Pumpkin flavored cakes, delicacies full of "blood", spiders, candies and bats made of sugarpaste. Every single corner of the bakery has turned into a spooky hideout. Speaking of hideouts . . . Yesterday, my boss asked me to bring two pumpkins from the cellar. I hadn't been there since that day. Ι decended the stairs. I felt a breeze moving my apron. I couldn't find any light switch.  I heard some whispers. Ι followed a thin ray of light. A smaller room was there. I could see black candlesticks, spiders, big pumpkins and green jam. At the end of the room green foam was coming out of a crock pot. I walked tiptoe across the room. I saw a lady adding seeds in a cake batter. She was whispering spells. I was so scared. I couldn't move. Suddenly, she stared at me straight in the eyes. She smiled and said: " Trick or treat?"