Food | Bruschetta with tomato, feta & basil


fter a long time, the deer is back with a a new recipe. It's been half a year or so from the last time we got in the kitchen to make something for the blog. These months the three of us were busy and so we didn't have the time to cook or bake something delicious for the deer. Getting back in the the kitchen felt so fun and creative. For our comeback we chose to give you one of our favorite food recipes. It's more like an appetizer but when you have not so much time to cook and you want something really delicious, these bruschettas are the best choice. In the recipe below we are just writing the ingredients you will need and not the exact dosage, because this depends on your appetite and on how many servings you want. Also, you can add any ingredient you want and have in your fridge (olives, dried tomato, peppers). It's so nice when a recipe allows you to experiment with the things you have in your fridge, isn't it?!

Photography | Tranquility


pocket watch. Tik- tock, tik- tock.  Like the heartbeat. Something old. Something that reminds you a significant person. Earrings. Green. Retro? Or something your grandma gave you. Grapes. Green grapes. The colour of hope. Τranquility. Peacefulness. Nostalgia. Close your eyes and enjoy the breeze. Bare legs and toes. No shoes needed. Dance and feel the energy of the earth. 

Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art -
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like Nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors -
No - yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever - or else swoon to death.

                                    Bright Star by John Keats

Back to school | Hit the books


of September today. Friday and back to school. But Friday? Let me sleep and have fun three more days and I'm going to school on Monday. I promise. I will be a good guy and I won't make your life hard as I'm trying to wake up on Monday morning. I will wake up with a huge smile on my face, eat my breakfast, brush my teeth, wear my clean clothes, grab my backpack and run to school. You're insisting on Friday huh? Okay then. In exchange I want a huge and delicious breakfast. Juice, milk, pancakes with nutella, brownies with little sugary hearts on top, croissants and some fruits please. I'm trying a new healthy lifestyle. Νext to my glass of milk I want a note  from you writing "Have a lovely school year! I love you!". Oh! And a little heart drawn under the note. 
Yes! This is a lovely Friday - back to school. 

Have a lovely school year my deers! 
Full of joy, new experiences, friends and pranks. 
Mommies, have patience, be supportive and creative with your kids. 

Hello September ✿


eptember. Hello deer September! After yesterday's summary, we are ready for new beginnings! New adventures! This year two balloοns will join us to this trip. For me, September means a new beginning. September smells like school for me. New books and notebooks, long visits at bookstores for stationary. Leave me there, I'll survive! Since I'm not a student anymore those things would seem like something from the past. No, no! I' ve found my way! Being a teacher -even if i don't have my own class yet- gives you all the excuses you need to get there and buy colourful carbon paper, pens and watercolours, stickers and all those little things that make your craft beautiful. 
Now -yeah- you can start preparing your autumnal menu. Pancakes, apple-pie, cinammon rolls, hot cocoa and soups. As the days are still so hot you can't really crave wearing your high knee socks, your colourful tights and ankle boots. But you can still start making lists of the the places you wanna explore in your hometown, the cities you wanna visit and the books you will read this winter. Τake a colourful balloon in your hands and let it lead you to a whimsical autumn full of sweet scents and pleasant surprises.  

Have a lovely September everybody!